Hey Seniors! Are you thinking about your upcoming photo session? Wondering what to wear, how to do your makeup, or how to pose once you get there?? Well, you have come to the right place! Right now we will talk about tips for posing, but if you need some help on the other things I mentioned check out some of the other blogs on this website.
Sitting Poses
Sitting is, for the most part, a comfortable position. Also when you are standing you have to know what you are doing with all of your body, whereas when you are sitting you mostly focus on your arms and facial expressions.

Standing = Power
Now there are many poses to do while standing. Whichever one you choose to do is completely up to you. Standing poses can be powerful or dramatic, or they can incorporate action. Guys, usually have their legs spread apart for a more masculine look, while girls keep their weight distributed on one hip.

Action Shots
Some of the best pictures are the ones taken in a real moment. During your photo shoot try doing some things you would naturally do. Walking, running, laughing, playing a sport are all great ideas. Give your photographer something active to take photos of. I will probably also make really bad jokes, to try and get you to laugh. Candid laughter is my favorite thing to capture. A real laugh looks great on camera and makes the photo shoot more enjoyable.

Stay Comfortable
As they say, beauty is pain, but that’s not always the case. The key to looking great and happy during your photos hoot is to be natural and comfortable. Relax your body and only do poses that make you feel pleasant. If you’re in an uncomfortable position it will make you look tense and awkward, and that’s not good for anybody.

Use your Surroundings or Bring Props
There are many great places to have your senior shoot, and I bet the place you and your photographer chose will be gorgeous! So utilize it. If there is a building of some sort where you are at, lean on it. If you’re in a grassy place, sit/lay down in it. Use anything around you for some great shots. If you’re a musician or an athlete you can try to portray that in your photos. Wear your jersey or bring your instrument. It will make the photos represent you more.