Welcome to my blog

hey there...

I am a Wedding, Engagement, Elopement, and Senior Photographer, based in Humboldt County, California. Here on my blog, you'll find gorgeous imagery featuring my amazing clients, as well as helpful tips and insight for your wedding day or portrait session! 







All this rain and gloomy weather is reminding me of Izaac’s senior photo session.I have known Izaac since his 7th grade days, and can’t believe he is going to be graduating South Fork High School soon! We shot his session over the Christmas Holiday, and you never know what kind of weather you are going […]

March 22, 2018


Wow! Is it the middle of March already? Time is flying by this year! I have some senior sessions to catch up and first up is Jose! We did this session back in November. It was a rainy Humboldt County week, so we had to postpone the shoot until later on in the week. We […]

March 19, 2018

Jose|Senior Portrait Session|Eureka High

I hear it over and over again. I meet with  potential clients and they start to tell me about how they do not feel comfortable in front of the camera and suck at being photographed.  “We don’t know how to pose, we get awkward.” Trust me guys, I get it. I feel the same way about […]

March 19, 2018

What to look for when hiring your Humboldt County Wedding Photographer

 I an think of so many milestones in a childs life that need to be documented.  From the first fresh days of your childs newborn life all the way to their teary eyed High School graduation there are a zillion moments in between that should be bottled up in a photograph and kept forever.  This […]

February 11, 2018

Humboldt County 8th Grade Portrait Session

For those of you who dont know me, I am a Humboldt County girl through and through. I recently traveled on my dream location  to Kauai and after exploring the beautiful island, I realized how truly lucky those of us living in Humboldt County really are. We live in an amazing place that is a […]

February 8, 2018

Top 5 Humboldt County Engagement Session Locations

Shelby''s night time session in Scotia

Happy New Year! Most Sunday’s I aim to post a senior blog. This one is a Super Soul Sunday blog. Something that ignites my soul. I had been wanting to do a night time shoot for quite a while. I had been so slammed with shoots during the busy season, that I wanted to reward […]

January 7, 2018

Shelby|Night-time Christmas Session|Scotia

It is the last day of 2017. Wow. What a year. It flew by soooooo fast. I was going through some 2017 photo shoots today and was feeling overwhelmed with how blessed I have been with such amazing clients this year. Some I have know for a while, some were new. There were more shoots […]

January 1, 2018


I shot Nick and Larissas engagement photos out on Paradise Ridge, near Shelter Cove.  I asked them where they were getting married and she said, Mount Shasta.  I assumed they were going to hire a photographer from that area, so I was so ecstatic when they asked me to photograph their destination wedding. Mount Shasta […]

December 20, 2017

Arbuthnot Wedding- Mt. Shasta Resort Golf Course

I was on the South Fork High School football field taking some action shots when Andrew’s dad approached me about taking Andrew’s senior portraits the following year.  I was super excited, because I love senior sports photos. They are my favorite! Flash ahead a year later where we made that happen. We started out on the […]

December 17, 2017

Andrew-Senior Session-Ferndale High School Football Field

I was so excited when Ron contacted me about shooting Kyra’s senior portrait shoot. Tiffany Thomsen of Tiffany’s Sports Teams and Photos sent him my way. Tiffany has been so helpful and supportive since I first called her a couple of years ago and said “Help! I am shooting my first team!” Thank you so […]

October 15, 2017



Let's create once-in-a-lifetime photos.

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- est. 2015 -