It’s time for the summer photoshoots for all you seniors out there. Meaning you soon going to be getting all glammed up for your photos. You just have one problem. You don’t know what to do with your makeup! No need to freak out though, because you came to the right place. Below are some tips to consider when doing your makeup for a summer shoot.

Light Makeup Trumps Heavy Makeup
It’s hot during the summer season, so having a bunch of heavy extravagant makeup on is going to make you feel very uncomfortable. It can also cause the makeup you put on to run down your face. That being said, you should probably go with some lighter makeup. It will also make you look more natural, which looks beautiful during the summer.

Think about a color scheme
Having a color scheme can be such a great thing during a photo shoot in any season. It can add a great touch to your look and can make you feel more confident. Your color scheme can be determined by what colors you like, the color of your outfit, and where you’re having your summer shoot. Besides, you can never go wrong with color schemes.

Waterproof is best
The heat and humidity during the summertime can cause you to sweat which can ruin any makeup that isn’t waterproof. So waterproof makeup can come in handy and save your makeup from running down your face. It also is helpful if the location of your shoot is near a body of water. It’s better to be safe than sorry!

Stick in your comfort zone
Sometimes we all want to try something new with our makeup. However, during a photoshoot might not be the best time. Especially with the heat during summer, it won’t be very comfortable to go all out. Maybe try to do something different with your makeup at home or just going out somewhere simple. That way you can see if you truly like the look before getting pictures taken with it.

Set your makeup
Using a setting spray during summertime is a great idea for helping your makeup stay fresh and last longer throughout the day. One less thing to worry about during your summer days.
A setting spray can also be used for daily makeup too, so buying one in preparation for your shoot wouldn’t be a waste of money.